Another wishlist, I know what am I like? But its been forever since I put together a beauty wishlist and there's just so many products I've been dying to get my hands on lately. Unfortunatly my poor student status hasn't allowed me to do a lot of shopping so I've been left dreaming and putting together lists of things I wish I could afford...

Nail Varnish

Seriously, I need to get my hands on some of this stuff! For now though, it's back to scrimping and saving until my student finance comes in hahaha kill me.

I'd love to know if you like the way I've been laying out my wishlists lately? Giving everything its own section instead of one massive list of products? Let me know!

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Birmingham, UK


On Wednesday, Sean and I were invited along to the Jumprov Press Night in town. When I initially got the invite I wasn't sure what to expect; I'm a big theatre fan however I'd never seen an improv show before so I was really quite intrigued by the whole idea. For those of you who don't know what an improv show is, it's basically a show made up on the spot!

Jumprov are a small independent improv theatre company born and bred right here in Birmingham. Inspired by the lack of diversity in other theatre groups founder, Sunny Dhap, created Jumprov to fill that gap and employ his friends who were all too often typecast in the industry. The group consists of seven members; Sunny Dhap, Jade Samuels, Adaya Henry, David Jackson, Chantal Erraoui, Jay Droch, and Marius Turner. 

So onto the night itself which was held on the second floor of the Wellington Pub, right in the heart of Birmingham. On arrival we were warmly welcomed by Sunny who was making sure everyone received their complimentary drinks before the performance started. Glass of Pepsi in hand we were soon on our way upstairs where we would each receive a slip to fill in. The slips asked for one crazy confession and something inappropriate to write on a dating profile. Not going to lie, my confession was true, Sean's was not (I hope). After handing these in the show began.

The show began with a small introduction from Sunny before the whole cast joined in to warm the audience up for the performance with a quick game. Once we were all loosened up the show could begin.

There were several sketches throughout the night, acted out by various members of the group. They would usually start by asking the audience for a setting or situation and sometimes both. The actors would then have to create a short sketch based on what the audience had supplied them. I'm not sure how they managed to come up with ideas so quickly, and it's anyone guess how they managed to make the show so funny because I doubt I'd do anything other than freeze up had I been put in the same situation. Luckily down to their hours of preparation, the group was ready for pretty much any situation we threw at them. 

Using only the cues we gave them and slips of paper we handed in at the start of the night, the Jumprov group delivered a genuinely funny show in which they played on their own stereotypes. In this show their backgrounds didn't work against them but instead gave them a chance to portray characters which a more white theatre group would probably shy away from.

I thoroughly enjoyed the night and I know Sean did too as he was practically wetting himself beside me. If you are considering going to an improv show, go! In fact go see Jumprov at the Old Joint Stock Theatre in Birmingham on the 4th of May! You can find more information here.

Thanks again to the Jumprov group for such a fantastic evening!

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Birmingham, UK


As of today I have been blogging for 4 years! 4 bloody years! Honestly it seems like longer, it seems like blogging is all I've ever done and is all I was ever meant to do. It's been the best hobby I've ever had and I can't imagine what my life would be like with out it.

So my blog has changed a bit over the years, I've switched up the name, developed different content and I'd like to think my blog posts are better now than they have ever been. I know I've neglected my blog a little since starting Uni, but I honestly put more effort into each post now than I ever have done before. My photography has definitely improved and I think I've developed a decent writing style too, even though I was never very good at English; but that 's the thing about blogging, it doesn't matter. Anyone can start a blog.

So why did I start my blog? This probably deserves a post all of its own, and I will get around to writing one some day, but the short of it is that I was scared. I was leaving college to go to work full time and I was terrified of not having anything to work on anymore. I'm a creative, I always need to be making something and its from that passion to produce that my blog was born.

Blogging has given me such amazing opportunities. Although I'm by no means a 'big blogger', through this little platform I've been invited to amazing events, been offered the chance to try out goodies before they are available in shops and I've even made some fab bloggy friends through it all. I know I'm still not half as social as I should be but I have a select group of girlies who are super supportive of pretty much anything I do online and I really cherish that. 

So here's to 4 fab years of blogging, and hopefully many more!

Thanks for reading!

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Birmingham, UK


Just after Christmas last year I found out that I needed Glasses. I knew for a long time that something wasn't quite right as my vision had been slowly deteriorating and I would get headaches everyday after college. I wasn't surprised that I need glasses but I really wasn't sure I wanted them. 

For a few months I battled with wearing my new glasses, I liked them but I didn't love them and I was quite self-conscious about wearing them. Maybe it was because I wasn't used to wearing glasses or maybe it was because I couldn't really afford to spend the money on some posh ones but I wasn't too happy either way. 

Fast forward to this Christmas, I'd finally got used to wearing glasses but the pretty standard pair I was wearing were getting a bit boring so when The Glasses Shop got in touch about reviewing a pair from them I jumped at the chance*. I'd been thinking about getting some new eyeglasses for a little while and after setting my heart on a gorgeous pair of pink beauties from their website I knew I had to have them.

I was offered the chance to try out some prescription sunglasses from them and I really considered this as it would help me out a lot in the summer. I mostly need my glasses for concentrating on reading and other things so I thought having prescription sunglasses for my holidays would be fab, however I really had fallen in love with the pink glasses by now so I bit the bullet and ordered them.

I've never ordered glasses online before, I'd always just gone to Specsavers however as I already had my prescription and pupillary distance it was pretty easy to order them. They took a little while to arrive but once they were here they were packaged really well and came with a case and cleaning cloth. 

I've been wearing them for a couple of months now and they are by far my favourite pair to wear. Anyone who knows me will know just how much I love pink so these babies go with pretty much everything I wear. 

If you guys fancy picking up a pair of glasses from The Glasses Shop you can use the code GSHOT50 for 50% off your chosen glasses or sunglasses.

Thanks for reading!

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* These glasses were sent to me free of charge in exchange for a fair and honest review. As always all opinions are my own.


Welcome back to another edition of High End Vs Budget; today we are going to be discussing Liquid Lipsticks! For this months post me and Amanda have switched roles! She will be talking about a high end product and I will be focussing on a more budget friendly version. 

Sleek Matte Me Liquid Lipstick in shade Birthday Suit RRP £4.99

When Amanda first proposed that this months post be all about liquid lipsticks I wasn't sure. I hadn't got on with many in the past and I sure as hell didn't have any high end products to talk about. Amanda on the other hand is a liquid lipstick queen, that girl has every shade imaginable so we though it only fair that we switch it up and give her a chance to talk about one of her favourite products.

As I previously said, most of the liquid lipsticks I'd tried in the past just didn't suit me. If they didn't rub off within minutes they lasted for hours to only look patchy and uneven later down the line. There is however one lippy that I do quite like. The Matte Me liquid lipstick by Sleek has been the only liquid lipstick that I've ever really enjoyed using. I have it in shade Birthday Suit which is pretty similar in colour to Mac's Faux lipstick.

This product is incredibly budget friendly, coming in at just £4.99. Considering I usually pay around £14-15 for my lipsticks, I'm pretty happy with this kind of price. I don't think the packaging looks particularly cheap either which is always a bonus. 

The solution itself is a good consistency, it's quite thick but not thick enough that it takes days to dry. Although it does take longer than I would sometimes like, its not as bad as others I have previously used. Once applied and dried I think the product lasts a good amount of time on my lips. I have eaten and drank with this lipstick on before and by the end of my meal I've still got pretty pink lips. It doesn't come of in patches either which I've found with others I've tried in the past. 

My only real issue with this lippy is the applicator. It's a long straight applicator unlike any I've used in the past and it makes it quite tricky to apply the product. If it was rounded at the end I wouldn't find myself accidently overdrawing my lips every time I use it.

Overall its a pretty decent product. It lasts quite a while on my lips and the price is great for the quality you receive. Although I will always choose regular lipsticks over liquid versions, this is the best liquid lipstick I've used so far!

Shop Liquid Lipsticks
Now don't forget to click here to head over to Amanda's blog to read all about her chosen high end liquid lipstick!

Do you have a favourite Liquid Lipstick?

Thanks for reading!

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Birmingham, UK


I wasn't actually going to post this here as it's part of my final project for Uni, but as this is kind of a fashion blog I thought it might fit nicely. Last week I took to the streets of Birmingham to photograph pretty much anyone around my age who was willing. There's some really fashionable girlies in Brum and here are just a selection of them! Enjoy!

I hope you liked my photos, it's the fist time I've ever photographed street style before so to say I was nervous about it was an understatement. Everyone I spoke to was super nice though and only 1 lady out of the 15 I asked said no to having her photograph taken which I thought was a good ratio.  

Maybe I could make this a regular thing if its something you guys enjoy? Let me know!

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Birmingham, UK


This post is literally what it says on the tin; a massive wishlist full of all things pink! If you know me you know I love anything pink, so I thought I would put a little list together and hope I don't buy the lot. There is a tonne of stuff to scroll through here so get yourself comfy!

-- Bags --

-- Tops --

-- Skirts --

-- Shoes --

-- Jackets --

-- Lingerie & Nightware --

-- Jewellery -- 

-- Dresses --

So you might be wondering why I've been featuring a lot of wishlists lately and the truth is that I'm struggling to make time to blog. Uni is really getting on top of me at the moment but I don't want to give up posting twice a week. I love putting wishlists together and they don't usually take me more than an hour or so to create, so thats why you've been seeing them a lot recently. I'm trying not to make a habit of this and regular blogging will resume as soon as I've handed all my coursework in!

Thanks for reading!

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Birmingham, UK


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