The Vuelio Blog Awards; where do I even start? The whole night felt like a dream and not just because I was drunk (see 10 reasons why I will never get shitfaced at a blogger event again), but because I'm not even sure how I managed to get there. How did my little blog, something I started up just because I had spare time, bring me all the way to London to share a room with hundreds of other like minded people? I'm still a tiny little blogger, but just to be in this place with so many successful people made me so proud of everything I've done over the last few years.
So onto the awards. The night started with me meeting some lovely blogger ladies from all over the UK. We talked so much about things only other bloggers would understand. Obviously I talk to Sean and some of my friends about blogging, but there are just some things that only other bloggers would really get. I had probably already drank too much champagne by this point but let's forget about that.
After a little while of mingling we were moved into the main room where our tables and first course were waiting for us. At this point I got to meet a few new people before tucking into my starter and eventually my main which was a delicious steak by the way.
I watched the actual awards on a table nearer the front as so many people didn't show up and there were lots of available seats. Again I got to meet more lovely bloggers and even blogger boyfriends who had come along for the fun. I kind of wished I had brought Sean at this point because I knew he would have been having a boring time at the hotel, and if there were other bloggers boyfriends here I'm sure we could have left them all together and picked them up at the end of the night. Next time I get invited to a blogging event I will bring him as it was just such a good night and I'm kind of sad that he never got to experience it.
After the awards we were moved back into the other room for drinks, icecream and to the use the photobooth. I happened to miss the ice cream and the photobooth as I was more concentrated on the booze but I've learnt my lesson with that one.
The night on a whole was amazing and honestly in my head I'm still living in this world where I'm an important blogger who gets to go to important events in important places in London. Although that's not my reality I'm going to remember exactly how I felt that night and work my arse off until one day it is.
Did any of you guys go to the awards?
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