Birmingham, UK


I'm writing this at the end of a very tiring Saturday evening. I've been up since half 5 this morning and in work since 7. Although I didn't have a particularly long day at work I still really hate weekend shifts and I just couldn't wait to be back home in my bed.

Today wasn't any different to any other work day. My shift was filled with grumpy customers and heavy lifting and you know what, it really wore me out. Like every other day I came home wrecked and all I wanted to do was soak in a steaming hot bubbly bath for an hour or so - and thats exactly what I did.

Inspired by Gemporia's new #YouMonday campaign, and using some of the goodies they sent me, I had some chill time on my own. I really don't get chance to chill out all that often and it's a shame. Although I only work part time right now I always feel like I have to be doing something. When I'm not at work I feel guilty that I'm not blogging, or applying for jobs, or working towards marketing qualifications. Although I have time in theory to shut off the world and relax, I also kind of don't. I don't want to waste my free time just lounging around, but sometimes that's what I need.

This Monday is "Blue Monday", the saddest day of the year. Christmas and New Years is over, we're all poor, usually because of the festive season, and Summer seems like a million years away. It's really easy to feel like rubbish at this time of year but it doesn't have to be that way. If we all just took a few hours a week to completely zone out and relax, we'd probably feel a lot better for it. Run a bath, take a walk, read a book, just do something that gives you a break from the regular. I know I will be. This year I'm going to make a promise to myself that I will take time when I need it, and de-stress when things get a little bit too much.

I'd love to hear about the ways you practise self care, even if its just something as simple having a relaxing bath once a week!

* This product was kindly gifted to me by Gemporia. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Thanks for reading!

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